September 25, 2009

New Legacy

Posted in Generation VIIIII: Mackenzie at 11:55 pm by Carebear728

My new legacy is…..The Jenson Legacy!!!

My founder is Jewel…come check it out


Posted in Generation VIIIII: Mackenzie at 9:00 pm by Carebear728


I decided to take my whole family to the Old Pier Beach. So many things had happened in this town but it was the beach where my ancestors came when they needed to think.

Screenshot-6426As my children and family gathered around me I began to talk.

“Guys you are the best thing that has ever happened to this family. It is hard to believe that my family has been here for 10 generations. “I said with tears in my eyes.

As my family crowded around to hear my words I began to cry.

Screenshot-6440As I parted through my children I walked to my new heiress, Genesis.

Screenshot-6449“Genesis, you are beautiful and intelligent. You are exactly who everyone would pick..except me sweetheart” I said slowly

I turned and saw Genevieve by herself.

Screenshot-6453“Your the heiress Genevieve” I yelled and smiled

Genevieve looked at me and screamed “YAHOOOOOO, MEEEEE?”

Screenshot-6455Afterwards I pulled Genesis aside and she said “Why not me Mommy?”

I looked into my little girl and she put her head down.

Screenshot-6463“I didn’t pick you sweetheart because…Deidre stood for the struggling girl trying to make it above the masses. You my darling are gifted and will not have a hard time life. Genevieve has stood in your shadow her whole life and still shines, her name truly fits her. She is the embodiment of our race of women.” I said with tears strolling down my cheeks.

Genesis hugged me and nodded her head. I held her close and said “Come on baby lets go home.”


Authors Notes: To everyone who has read this legacy THANK YOU!! I’m glad you guys liked it and I plan on starting a new one within a few days and I will put the link on the next post, hopefully you guys check it out!

The Last Family

Posted in Generation VIIIII: Mackenzie at 8:35 pm by Carebear728


Ever since Mom moved out the house seemed to be quieter. Despite having three kids in the house. Genesis and Genevieve were so different from one another. Genesis was a genius and very friendly, while Genevieve was more focused on doing athletics. Owen was an adorable baby who bonded alot with my little bro Eyan.

Screenshot-6248Genesis were very close we would spend hours discussing politics.

Screenshot-6258My family was doing so well. Eyan was on the honor roll and planned to join the police force after he graduated. I was so excited that everything was going well but I was scared when I begin to feel very sick.

Screenshot-6272I hope I live to see my children grow up. I was told I had ovarian cancer a few days ago. I decided not to tell my girls, why worry them. Genesis …

Screenshot-6294and Genevieve




and soon enough I had have another child to worry about. It was a miracle I was even having another baby. The surprise was on me! I gave birth to two twin girls once again. I named them Kylene and Michelle. I was lucky to have such a beautiful and big family. My two little girls were angels though Michelle looked opposite from the rest of us. She had beautiful golden locks and green eyes like Izra.

Screenshot-6336and Kylene looked very similar to my great-great whatever grandmother, Deidre. She had purple eyes and brown hair. The only girl besides Deidre to have these features.

Screenshot-6332I even saw my half brother Terrance one day. I doubt he recognized me since he had left the house soon after he turned one. He grew up to look just like my father.

Screenshot-6345My family seemed perfect, I just hoped nothing would change.

Screenshot-6347Though soon I began to realize that Genevieve was having problems. She was always in detention and would always yell about unfair life is. When I questioned her about it she said, “It’s not fair Mom, Its always Genesis this Genesis that. Its not fair. You are so busy with the girls and Owen you look right past me.”

I looked into her brown eyes and reached for her, “Sweetheart I love you. You are my child too and you mean as much to me as everyone else.”

We hugged and she gave me a quick smile. I hoped all my children would be happy.

I hoped it more when the kids began to grow up.

Owen grew into an adorable little boy with messy hair.

Screenshot-6393 Kylene’s hair eventually grew out and became very straight.

Screenshot-6421Michelle’s hair became even more blond and she seemed to be an unlucky child. Everytime I turned my head she was falling down stairs and losing things.

Screenshot-6422As the children had gotten older, I decided it was time to say goodbye….

September 24, 2009

The strength to say good-bye…

Posted in Generation VIIIII: Mackenzie at 11:56 am by Carebear728


I tried to be a good mother to my twin girls. Izra and I ran to their room the minute they cried and held them close humming soothing words. I was so happy to be a mother.

Screenshot-5965Before I knew it my little girls were already toddlers.

Genesis’ hair grew into long black locks and she had these striking blue eyes. I knew she would grow into a real beauty.

Screenshot-5969I could tell she was a little genius already!

Genevieve seemed to be more of a tomboy and she loved being outside. It was always a struggle to get her into a dress.

Screenshot-5979I couldn’t believe they were the final generation until this legacy was over. I held Genesis close to me and kissed her head. I hope I picked the right heiress.

Screenshot-5982Soon Mom began to show her age. It was hard to believe she was 60! Eventually she let the pink grow out of her hair and just went completely gray.

Screenshot-5985I don’t think I could have raised my girls without my family. Izra just loved being a father he and Genevieve were always playing together.


Grandma Serena was also a great help. She loved spoiling her little Great-Grands and they loved her.

Screenshot-5990Things all seemed to be going so well…until Grandma Serena died. She was at work when suddenly I got the call that she had died at her desk. It was my own fault I knew she was a workaholic and a 98 year old woman. I shouldn’t have let her go…


Soon after she died I decided to give myself a little make over by brightening up my wardrobe.

Screenshot-6021Eyan and I were heartbroken but it seemed as if the tragedy had brought us closer together. He began to help me more with the girls and around the house. They loved their favorite uncle.

Screenshot-6028Izra and I still went on dates even after being married for so many years. He showed me everyday he was nothing like my dad.



I was now a senior citizen it was so hard to believe! I realized I had to get as close to my children as I could. I regularly went to visit my sister Luna and I was a little disappointed that she had gained back some weight.


Maybe it was daddy’s genes. Celeste looked something like a hippie almost like she had never been clothes shopping in her life.

Screenshot-6042Yen had aged so much I could hardly believe it.


One person who hadn’t changed was Harvey. He was still always the most handsome brother to me. When I looked in his eyes, even after all these years, I was left speechless.

Screenshot-6047He told me that he and his wife were divorcing. He had never really loved her but felt obligated to marry her since they had two children. Soon after we began datingScreenshot-6055One day he took my hands and said ” Cher, I’m sorry George hurt you but, he was a fool. I would never give up the chance to be with you.”


I turned away and blushed.



My girls grew up so fast before I knew it they were ready for school. Just as I predicted Genesis grew into a real beauty.


Madison’s beauty was more subtle but she still was gorgeous.


Izra and I stilla cted like teenage lovebirds. He couldn’t keep his hands off of me, and I wasn’t complaining!

Screenshot-6128Mom and Uncle Harvey soon began dating. Even though it was a little weird I was happy for her. I knew they had both loved each other for a long time. It didn’t take anyone by surprise when they  got married!

Screenshot-6178Before I knew it I was expecting again! Maybe it was all the fun Izra and I were having hehe.


A few months later, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Owen which meant warrior. Everyone in this family is strong and deserves names to reflect that, my little boy would be no different.

Screenshot-6209With a new born baby it was hard to find time to sleep. Luckily the girls were getting older and could help more. My children were all becoming so beautiful.

Genevieve still had her beautiful brown hair and her beauty had become more pronounced,


Screenshot-6224and Owen was an adorable little baby boy.

Screenshot-6222I had let my hair grow out a little more and toned down my make-up to suit raising two teens and a toddler.

Screenshot-6225A few months after Owen’s birthday, Mom told me she and Harvey were moving out. She had had enough of the house and wanted to live out her years with the man she loved. I wished her all the happiness in the world as she waved goodbye.

Screenshot-6238 I hoped I would have the strength not only to choose an heir but also to say good bye to this house and its memories…

September 23, 2009

The Beginning of the race of women..Chapter 56

Posted in Generation VIIIII: Mackenzie at 7:05 pm by Carebear728


Eyan grew up so fast I could hardly believe it. He already had facial hair!

Screenshot-5653Mom hardly talked any more ever since Dad left. The only time she came out of her room was to paint.

Screenshot-5657Irza and I began to get closer, he came over almost all the time. I think I was beginning  to like him as more then a friend.

Screenshot-5668He was such a great guy but he totally blew me away when…

He took my hands and said

Screenshot-5678“I know how much the thing with your dad effected you. I promise Kenzie I won’t hurt you. I want to have a family with you. Let me prove to you that I’m different baby.” he said with an anxious smile

I reluctantly said “Yes” as I reached in to kiss him he turned me down.

Screenshot-5689“One way I can prove that to you Mac is, lets go slow.” he said hesitantly.

I put my head down out of embarrassment and anger.

At first I thought maybe he was just playing with my emotions. That is, until a few weeks later he kissed me!

Screenshot-5729We began to spend a lot of time together and I loved it. It felt nice to have someone to care about me.

Screenshot-5746One day Grandma pulled me aside.


“Kenzie I’m so proud of you. You made your father leave even though I knew it was hard for you. You found a good man who will be there for you. You are a great heiress sweetheart.” she said kindly

” Yea I guess I’m good but Grandma I wish mom could be happy again.” I said sadly

“I know honey but in all of my years no woman in our family has ever found another boyfriend after being married. Maybe she will eventually forget about love.” said Grandma sadly

For the next few days Grandma tried to spend more time with mom. I hoped that would be enough to make her happy.


As I kissed Izra I thought about how happy he made me.

Screenshot-5806I pulled away and said ” wait a minute”

Screenshot-5807“Let’s make this official.”as I reached for the box I had been carrying in my purse for two months, I dropped it! Then I picked it up and asked my boyfriend to marry me.

Screenshot-5824He screamed “YESSS” and then kissed me.

A few days later we were wed in my back yard.


A few months later I realized I was pregnant!

Screenshot-5863I was so excited and I felt Izra deserved a daddy make over to suit his new status as a pop.

Screenshot-5867I spent all my time reading different books on pregnancy. I wanted to make sure I did the right thing as a mother to my baby.

Screenshot-5907When mom found out about the pregnancy she seemed to have more life. She began going out more and even performing and playing for tips at the park. I noticed that Uncle Harvey was always at every one of her concerts, though mom was to sad to even notice. She just seemed to be in her own little world.

Screenshot-5917Sometimes Izra would catch me staring at my wedding ring. I couldn’t believe I had gotten married and to such a great guy!

Screenshot-5927Before I knew it, it was time for my little baby to be born! Boy was it impatient it started kicking with such force it felt like there was more then one kid in there.

Screenshot-5952Well I was right…there was more than one baby in there. I gave birth to two beautiful baby girls, Genesis which means beginning and Genevieve (John-vee-ev) which means the race of women. I felt the names were appropriate since our whole legacy was just a race of women and I felt these little girls were only the beginning.

As I held my child in my arms I just kept hoping and thinking please let me be a good mother, please!


September 22, 2009

Realization…Chapter 55

Posted in 1, Generation VIIIII: Mackenzie at 11:11 pm by Carebear728


Time seemed to pass by so fast. Before I knew it Eyan was a teenager. On the day of his birthday I decided to throw him a big party. I let him even cut school to help me clean the house. He mostly spent the time playing on our playground.

Screenshot-5570The house was full of guests and it was so strange to see how everyone had aged. My Uncle Harvey now had a full head of gray hair. One thing hadn’t changed he still couldn’t stop staring at mom. Sometimes I wished he had married her instead of his wife.

Screenshot-5574Uncle Yen had aged dramatically! Here he is in his blue tank top, see all that gray hair! He looks like he needs to be on the golden girls.

Screenshot-5579Aunt Luna still looks young since she was always a little younger then him.

I got a great picture of Eyan in front of his cake. I can’t believe he’s grown up so much.

Screenshot-5588A few days after the party Desiree gave birth to a baby boy. My half brother was kind of cute.

Screenshot-5596After they came home with the baby I realized exactly how to help my mother be happy again. I told Desiree and Dad that they had exactly one year to live in the house before they were evicted. I now had connections as well and if Dad did not do what I said I would have custody of baby Terrence revoked. I would be the sole guardian. It was an easy choice, his son or his greed. They had one year to make a decision.

My cousin Celeste was so proud of me. She kept telling me how cool I was because I stood up to my dad.

Screenshot-5611I explained to her, ” Cel, I didn’t do it to be cool. I stood up to him because it was the right thing to do. I love my mom and brother. We deserve better then this and as heiress I’m going to make sure we get treated as such.!”


She nodded her head and said “Wow Mac, thats cool.” I shook my head and mumbled ” teenagers.”

A year later when little Terrence, Terry, turned one…

Screenshot-5624Dad made his decision.

He held Terry tight in his arms and said

Screenshot-5629“I can’t lose my only chance to be a good father. I messed up with both of you and I admit that. I’m getting older, I won’t have any more children. He is my last chance. Desi, Terry and I will be out by morning. I love you honey, even if I never really showed it.” he whispered

I stared at this man who seemed like a stranger to me. For a moment he reminded me of my Great- Great-Great whatever grandfather Leighton when he held his first born Marcus.

Screenshot-5636It showed me how far our family had come. I knew I had to be heiress, I had to ensure my family’s legacy to defend it from people like my own father.

As Desiree, Terry and Dad left that night the house seemed a little bigger. Big enough…for maybe my family to begin…….

The endurance of love…Chapter 54

Posted in 1, Generation VIIIII: Mackenzie at 10:46 pm by Carebear728


I can’t believe my family has lived in this house for nine generations! Its hard to believe I am the ninth generation.. well anyhoo. For almost 10 years of my life my parents had been seperated or unhappy. A few years ago they got officially divorced which crushed me and my younger brother. Like all children I hoped they would eventually get back together but instead things got worse and worse. Now my dad’s slut wife lived in our house and showed off her pregnancy.


I don’t know why someone would be proud to be fat and round but hey what do I know. I’m only a certified genuis!

Sometimes I think Desiree probably thought how lucky she was to be married to my dad.


I mean he basically lived in my mother’s mansion and off of her money.

I know this probably killed my mother to watch my father cheat on her. She was being forced to just accept my father’s cheating through his blackmail. I loved my mom and admired her bravery and fierce temper, I couldn’t bare to see him ruin all my family has accomplished.

I had my mind on other things also, my best friend since high school, Izra. I loved his green eyes and beautiful tan skin. He was simply gorgeous. I loved inviting him over and just talking to him for hours.

Screenshot-5455Though I had feelings for Izra, I had big plans for myself. I wanted to be a doctor like my Great Aunt Selene. I had heard about her from my relatives and I wanted to be just like her. She helped keep the family together and managed to have a great career. My mother was a band manager and that was great but I wanted to help people.

I decided to take a trip to the park and clear my head. I ran into my Uncle Yen and Aunt Luna. I always loved seeing them, I remember when Aunt Luna lived in our house her and dad seemed to hate each other. The first thing I noticed is that Uncle Yen was handsome as always…


Screenshot-5467I decided to go to Aunt Luna and try to unload some of my issues on her.

“Aunt Luna, I don’t know what do about dad.” I said with a frown

“What do you mean hun?” she asked with a confused expression

” He’s hurting mom by forcing that homewrecking maid to live in our house. I mean shes preggo and everything because of our family’s money. Why doesn’t mom throw her out!” I yelled

“Sweetie. Your 19 years old and though your a genuis…Your ignorant when it comes to matters of the heart. I know your mom and she might be a brave girl but when she loves, she loves hard. You rather have someone close to you then not have them at all. Though your father is with another woman atleast he’s close by, your mother can still see him. Even if she is seeing him with Desiree.” Aunt Luna said sadly

I stared at her in shock, ” Mom isn’t that weak.”

Aunt Luna shook her head and looked at Uncle Yen, “Honey, we all are when it comes to those we love.”

As I contemplated my Aunt’s words I tried hard to think it wasn’t true. How could any one put themselves in this position. Why would anyone want too? This made me really not want to be in love.


As I walked around the house late at night I saw my mom staring out the window. She seemed to be lost in a fog as if she was reminiscing to a time long ago. As I noticed a tear falling down her cheek I heard her whisper, “Ben, come back to me.”

I then saw my dad staring into my mother’s face with a smile. “I’m here honey.”

Screenshot-5485She continued to talk to herself about how lonely she was. I wanted so badly to tell her, dad was right in front of her. He was right there listening and comforting her but I knew how much it would hurt her to know. She would be pained to know she couldn’t see him herself.

She simply turned around and said “I wish your father was here.”

As she walked to her bedroom I whispered ” he is mom, he is.”  Dad simply stared at mom and looked at mom I saw his eyes begin to water as his tears flowed.


September 21, 2009

Pain…Chapter 53

Posted in Generation VIIII- Cherie at 8:21 pm by Carebear728


Things seem to be going back to normal. Mom was back at painting her creative paintings.

Screenshot-5277Everything was normal…except that George was thinking of ways to have more children with his new wife (whore).

Screenshot-5307He used so much of my family’s money on herbs and treatments for fertility treatments. I scoffed at the idea of this old hag as a mother. I did laugh at her attempts and at the irony that George had been so attracted to her for her youth. He still thought she was 36 when in fact she was 55. It sickened me to watch them together but I was delighted by the fact that I was younger then her with two kids.

Though one day she finally told George the truth.


Screenshot-5346“George I have to tell you the truth.” I said sadly

“What is it babydoll?” he said flirtaciously

“I lied to you. A very long time ago when we first met. I lied about my age on applications so that I could be hired to support my large family. I’m the oldest of my brothers and sisters. I love my family and I had to support them even at my older age. I’m not 36 baby I’m 55. I don’t know if we’ll be able to have children.” I said with tears rolling down my cheeks.

George smiled and said “I don’t care baby, we will find a way. I love you”

Screenshot-5351We tried for months and months until finally, I found out I was pregnant! George was so excited.



I was so upset, when I found out Desiree was expecting. I walked into my room and simply cried and cried. It felt as if everyone were against me, now George would never return to me. He would have a new family and forget about our kids, our past and our love.

I had to push all of that aside. My daughter was growing up so fast and I had been so concerned with my life I didn’t focus on Mackenzie’s. She had grown up before my eyes. Mackenzie had graduated high school with high honors and I had never even helped her study. My little girl was a woman.

Screenshot-5407Screenshot-5410One day Mackenzie pulled me aside and whispered to me, ” Mom I’m worried about Dad being here.”

“What do you mean sweetie.” I asked concerned

“He’s mean to Eyan and I, if we aren’t nice to Desiree.” she said hurriedly

As soon as she said that I heard screaming from upstairs. As I ran to see what it was I stood in the doorway in shock.

Screenshot-5416“How dare you say that about your new mother.” screamed George

“She’s not my mom, Mommy is my mom. I hate you!” yelled Eyan

Screenshot-5419I immediately broke up the fight but was shocked at how much anger Eyan had for his dad. When George left the room I asked Eyan if he was okay. He told he was but that he hated having George in the house since he had hurt our whole family by his actions. Its then that I realized my little boy was already a teenager. He was twelve years old. For years he had to watch his father and mother fight and his father ‘s infidelity.

My children and I had suffered for too long eventually George had to go.

September 20, 2009

Revenge?…Chapter 52

Posted in Generation VIIII- Cherie at 8:44 pm by Carebear728


I knew the divorce was hard on the kids.  I even heard Eyan talking to his cousin Celeste about it.


“Leste I don’t get what happened with my daddy and mommy.” he said sadly

“Eyan, I know its difficult to understand. Mommy and daddy aren’t together anymore.” she said sadly

“Your parents are together. Why doesn’t daddy love mommy anymore?” he asked innocently

“I bet your mommy wishes she knew the answer to that too.” Celeste whispered

After they played for a little bit, Eyan ran inside to get ready for bed. After I tucked him and kissed his forehead. I thought about what Celeste said, I did wonder why George and I didn’t work. It had been years since I had even touched him more or less kiss him. I couldn’t hide the fact that I was lonely. I knew it was wrong but I missed George…I missed having someone to hold me. I climbed into his bed and cried myself to sleep.

Screenshot-5220George cuddled up to me that night. The next morning as I sat watching tv, he kissed Desiree. I knew at that moment he probably would never love me and may never have.

Screenshot-5226I tried to ignore them by playing my guitar. It was at that time that George chose to ask Desiree to be his girlfriend.

Screenshot-5234For months they continued to date and flaunt their relationship. I watched and stayed silent because for once in my life…I realized getting angry was pointless. I had fallen in love with a man and in a fight for his love…I had lost.

This realization was finalized when Desiree and George became engaged.

Screenshot-5247Before I knew it Desiree and George were married.

Screenshot-5258I was forced once again through blackmail to accept George’s indiscretion. Desiree moved in soon after they tied the knot. She immediately went through a make over using my family’s hard earned money.


While she was out at the salon, I went through her purse and was surprised to learn. Desiree was not the young hottie she proclaimed to be. In fact she was 55 years old! I was only 48. I doubt George knew there was little to no chance of Desiree (slut) to have a baby.

I secretly was delighted and felt it was my own revenge.

September 19, 2009

All we have is hope…Chapter 51

Posted in Generation VIIII- Cherie at 7:03 pm by Carebear728


I ran into my Uncle Wade . He was my Grandmother’s youngest son even though he and Luna were close in age. They were best friends growing up. It was so nice to see him and I learned he even had a girlfriend! Atleast someone was lucky in love.

Screenshot-4907I told him about George and how I was powerless to stop him.

“Cher! YOU? C’mon you wouldn’t take that crap from anybody. The Cher I knew as a kid would have beat his butt and hers. You don’t have to put up with that.” he said in a reassuring tone.

I suddenly felt very confident. After I gave him a quick hug I ran home to think. When I walked into the guest room I saw George and Desiree flirting.

Screenshot-4917“Why are you doing this? Don’t you think this hurts our children. You ass****!” I screamed

“Woah Woah calm down Cher.” he said in a panicked tone

“NO!” I yelled as I stormed over to Desiree

“And YOU you homewrecking hussie. You couldn’t find your own man.”  I screamed.


“You act like its my fault that you are an old dried up hag!” said Desiree with a smirk.


“Why you little b****” I snapped. Before I knew it I was on top of Desiree punching and kicking her. George just stood there ignoring the two of us.

Screenshot-4932After I once again kicked her little cheeky butt. I stood over her and felt so victorious.


After the fight I decided to give myself a little make-over. I chopped off my locks once again and put on some brighter make-up.

Screenshot-4958My mother Serena was beginning to worry about our family. Could George really cost us our legacy when we were so close to achieving it? Even I couldn’t answer that question.

Screenshot-4962As I held Eyan in my arms, I hoped he wouldn’t be anything like his dad. I hope Eyan would learn what a real man by doing the opposite of his father.

Screenshot-4967Before I knew it the years passed and Eyan went from a toddler to an adorable young child.

Screenshot-4986George brought Desiree to Eyan’s 6th birthday party. After the party I confronted George.

Screenshot-5010“How could you bring that woman to your son’s birthday party? What kind of example do you think that sets you idiot?” I screamed

“I can do whatever I want Cherie!” He yelled

” So can I and if you keep testing me it might involve murdering you! In case you forgot my Uncle James’ people still live around here. THEY WOULD LOVE TO TAKE AN ASS LIKE YOU DOWN!” I yelled

Screenshot-5011“TRY IT!” He screamed

“I hate youuuuuuu” I screamed while stamping my foot.


I slapped him as hard as I could.

Screenshot-5020before I knew it I was lunging at him.

Screenshot-5025Screenshot-5026Screenshot-5036After I beat his butt I felt so great! It felt like for a moment my frustration and anger was gone.

Screenshot-5055“I don’t even know why i married you. You fat ugly cow. I hate you, I wish you were Desiree.” he yelled

“What are you saying?” I asked

Screenshot-5076“ITS OVER!” He screamed

The kids dealt with the breakup in different ways. Mackenzie buried herself in her music and logic skills.


Eyan was always buried in a book, his fantasy worlds were probably better then the one I provided for him.

As soon as the divorced was finalized, I ran to Luna’s.

“I can’t believe its over..” I said sadly

“I can’t believe its over,ah now to celebrate” she said with an excited tone

Screenshot-5145I know I should hate George but he was the father of my children. How could I hate a man who gave me the most precious gifts of all, my babies.  I love him through it all.

I explained this to Luna, she sighed and said “It will all be okay big sis.”

Screenshot-5146I hope Eyan and Mackenzie turn out okay…

Screenshot-5156Screenshot-5205All I could do is just be the best mother I could…

Screenshot-5204I just hope that would be enough

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